Saturday, April 28, 2012


 This morning I took some pictures of flowers and my King Sago palm tree.

First is a Hibiscus that we planted last fall. I counted over 20 buds.

 Nest are two pictures of Magnolia flowers on the tree in my next door neighbors yard.

 Below is a flower on a type of heather that we planted in a large tub.

We planted this last fall and it was not suppose to survive the winter. We did have a milder winter than normal but we had a few nights that were in the low 20's. I did protect the Hibiscus but nothing else. So whatever this flower is, it survived. We can not remember the name.

Finally the pictures below are not flowers, but of my little palm tree that was planted last fall. It has produced new growth recently. In the last picture a little of the crepe myrtle can be seen. Both trees are thriving and are not expected to bloom for another month.

We are about to leave on an adventure that will check off a number of "bucket list" items. We have arranged with neighbors to supplement the sprinklers if needed.

Saturday, April 14, 2012

Pillo's Travelin' Pet Seat

Pillo, Carol's almost two year old Chihuahua has gotten used to riding in her lap. A practice Carol began immediately when she got him. We are planning several long road trips this year. Carol decided that she did not want to hold him all the time. Easter Sunday we went to Tallahassee for Easter dinner. Carol decided that Pillo would ride in his crate bed there. He screeched and howled for the first 40 minutes before he fell a sleep. Probably from exhaustion or maybe he understood when I told Carol that the two of them could be standing on the side of route 20.

Carol did research on the internet and purchased a seat / bed with a 3 point harness. It arrived today and we took the boys for a ride, Pillo in his bed and Gizmo loose in the back seat next to Pillo. It was much better than the crate and his displeasure was not as loud and was short lived.

Pictured below is strapped in his new "travelin'" bed. Carol wants him to get used to being in it. He will get several rides in the local area before we head out for our spring adventure.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Window Treatments

When I met Carol she was a self employed seamstress. Occasionally she will still do a window treatment for some one. They usually provide the materials and some direction and some times she is just told to do something with the materials. Following are two examples that Carol created recently.

The following treatment is an example of a pleat with an accent color. This is one of my favorites that Carol has done recently. Note the buttons on the pleats.

These examples are about the size that she can do here. When she had her business she had an over sized table and would do very large treatments. Carol has made several throw pillows for our home here.