First is a Hibiscus that we planted last fall. I counted over 20 buds.
Nest are two pictures of Magnolia flowers on the tree in my next door neighbors yard.
Below is a flower on a type of heather that we planted in a large tub.
We planted this last fall and it was not suppose to survive the winter. We did have a milder winter than normal but we had a few nights that were in the low 20's. I did protect the Hibiscus but nothing else. So whatever this flower is, it survived. We can not remember the name.
Finally the pictures below are not flowers, but of my little palm tree that was planted last fall. It has produced new growth recently. In the last picture a little of the crepe myrtle can be seen. Both trees are thriving and are not expected to bloom for another month.
We are about to leave on an adventure that will check off a number of "bucket list" items. We have arranged with neighbors to supplement the sprinklers if needed.