Sunday, May 30, 2010

Master of Divinity

The Andover Newton Theological School held its commencement on May 22, 2010. Carol and I were honored to be among the guests for the ceremony. It was a little over three years ago that my son-in-law decided that he wanted to pursue a career in the service of the Lord. This was quite a heavy decision. Michael and his family needed to make a commitment. A Master of Divinity requires a heavy work load over a three year program. I can attest to his dedication, research, the pondering over the computer as his papers were written. I know that Michael struggled early in the program as he began his research for the many papers that needed to be written. Not every graduate completed the program in three years. Michael did earning high honors and was inducted into the Jonathan Edwards Society. Not every one who attained honors became a member.

A number of individual awards were presented to the graduates for their outstanding work in the areas of study or leadership. The Massachusetts Bible Award for Excellence in the Public Reading of Scripture is given to the scholar whose passion and tonal quality during the reading maintains the attention of the audience by his presentation of the scripture. The winner is Michael Hall. I heard a gasp from the front of the church which I recognized as my daughter. Carol and I rose from our seats in the back and loudly cheered and clapped. Below is Michael accepting his award.

A reception was held after the ceremony "up the hill" from the church. It was a half mile walk up a steep hill. It was a fairly warm day and I worked up a sweat during the walk. As you can see, so did Michael.

Carol and I had a wonderful time participating in Michael's day. I am so proud of Michael. I know he will find satisfaction in his new calling. I have watched him for many years and I know how good he is with people and helping them.

I must comment on the ceremony. It was held in the First baptist Church of Newton. We were early for the two PM graduation. I was driving my new truck, I wanted a safe parking spot, I am not familiar with Newton, and I wanted sufficient time to walk down the hill. We were seated about 20 minutes before and we were treated to the music of the Lakeside Brass Quintet. They were fabulous. The music made me feel like I was on Bourbon Street in New Orleans. In fact when the Professors led in the graduates that is exactly the music that they played. It was fun procession with them dancing and clapping as they made their way to their seats. Truly a grand celebration to honor those who worked so hard to be there that day.

Friday, May 14, 2010

Paradise - Threatened

By now most of the world is aware of the oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico. Hundred of thousands gallons of oil have spewed forth and continue to do so unabated. There is no doubt that BP is trying. Its just that they are not any closer to stopping the flow than they were the first week. As a resident of the Florida Panhandle less than a third of a mile from the water I am concerned. The area is noted for the miles of white sandy beaches with clear water of the gulf. Our local economy is driven by tourist. Snow birds, spring breakers, the bikers for Thunder Beach and the Ironman competition along with family vacationers. The local beach rentals are receiving cancellations for the Memorial weekend. The summer season is also bleak. All this is occurring even though the oil has yet to threaten the local beaches of Florida.

I have been swimming everyday lately and the water is clean. It is sad to see the beaches so deserted. I only hope that these beaches will escape harm and if not, that the cleanup will be successful. I feel for the local business people, the fishermen and charter captains. No matter where the oil lands, the environment, the wildlife and the Gulf will suffer for many years.

I was dismayed that the BP CEO was interviewed in England and said that in comparison to the size of the ocean, its a small leak. Well its not his ocean, its our ocean and its not a small leak. He also stated that he is concerned how Americans are viewing this spill. You see the largest sales area for BP is in the United States. There are two BP stations close by my Florida home. One is priced at the local level - $2.96 gallon while the other is $2.79 gallon. Such a large disparity. I have seen a chain email urging the readers to boycott BP gas. Probably started by another oil company in my opinion.

Thursday, May 06, 2010

The @%$& Census

Our address here in Panama City Beach was one that popped up on the list for a personal visit by a census taker. David, a very amiable young man, came to the house. We answered the questions asked, and David went about his business. I understood that he needed the wages and was doing what he needed to do to bring in some earnings. Little did we know what we were in for from the damn census department.

A few days later, I received a call asking if someone had actually visited our home. I guess the government does not trust their census workers, but we have to trust that they will honor our confidentiality. I gave the person from the Tallahassee Census office the young mans name and confirmed that he was actually here. A couple of days later, same idiot from Tallahassee called to ask if the house two doors down was unoccupied. I confirmed that was the case. I am beginning to regret being a good citizen.

Several days later, Carol and I were driving through Texas on vacation when the cell rang. I answered and lo and behold, another census manager from Tallahassee called and wanted to do a 7 minute survey. I explained I was driving in heavy traffic. He started whining, and I told him to call back at 8 PM that night or call on the date that I expected to return home. He started to demand that we do it right then. I hung up on him.

Today, Carol and I returned from doing errands and there was a car in my driveway. She explained that she was on a followup from the census. I started to be vintage Ed when Carol reminded me that she was just doing her job. In fact she had been out of work for 18 months. we did answer the questions but I asked her to note that I felt like I was a victim of discrimination and perhaps racial profiling. I am Portuguese and my last name might be construed as Latino. In fact AARP send me their magazine in Spanish, but that was another story. I also told her that I will not talk to anyone else. She related that she was hearing the same complaint from several of the people that she has on her list.

I have read that the returns from Florida were below average. I wonder if the government hacks in Tallahassee are just making work to justify their budgets while they aggravate the folks that did comply and participate in the census. I am sorry that I did.

Saturday, May 01, 2010

Thunder Beach

This week is the spring visit for "bikers" called Thunder Beach. Starting last Monday, bikers of all types started rolling into Panama City Beach. Each day the numbers grew along with the crescendo of the exhaust pipes. Thursday I was in my favorite lunch place and the waitress told me that starting on Friday they would be crushed with diners. That afternoon I parked off Front Beach road and watched as hundreds of bikes rolled by. I was told that a minimum of 50,000 bikes would be here. Yesterday the numbers visibly increased along with the constant volume of vibrating exhaust.

I happen to like the biker scene and enjoy watching and listening to the sounds. Every conceivable make of bike along with eye catching customs can be seen just by sitting along the road. I estimate that close to 10% are women riders. I heard that the original estimate of 50,000 might be way low. The roar of the exhaust is constant with no letup. The roads around the beach are jammed. Roadside vendors are hawking their wares. It is a colorful scene filled with colorful characters.

So far no one has been seriously hurt and I am pleased by that. While they are a wild crowd there is not the drinking that was part of spring break. I will look forward to their return next year.

Next major event will be the Iron man Triathlon. They are definitely a much quieter group, but one that I don't look forward too. When they are practising they will ride 6 and 7 across tying up a lane. They cause me more inconvenience than the bikers. However, they come and spend and help the economy. One can only hope that our white sand beaches be spared fro the ever increasing oil spill.